Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation President and CEO Bill Tompkins Plans to Step Down at the End of His Current Term

Elana Fine
Chair, Board of Directors
Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation
Montgomery County, MD — The Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) announced that Bill Tompkins will step down as President & CEO when his term ends in August 2025. Tompkins has served in this role since August 15, 2022.
“This marks a significant moment for MCEDC,” stated Elana Fine, Chair of the Board of Directors. “We extend our gratitude to Bill for his outstanding leadership over the past six years, as both the Chief Operating Officer and as President & CEO. His dedication has laid a strong foundation for future growth while fostering inclusion, driving collaboration, and ensuring stability during challenging times.”
This transition comes at an inflection point for the 9-year-old organization as it seeks to build on Montgomery County’s strong position in the biotech, high-tech, and hospitality sectors while identifying domestic and international opportunities. The organization is refocusing on building on Montgomery County’s fundamental advantages including a skilled workforce, tax competitiveness, and location in the National Capital Region. Its objective is to create and sustain the economic activity necessary to support and expand the needs and aspirations of our community.
The MCEDC Board of Directors has initiated a search for Tompkins’ successor, led by board members Anne Khademian and Andy Chod. A transition committee chaired by board member Jennifer Hsin has also been established to support the process. During this period, the Board and MCEDC leadership will work closely with local stakeholders and the State of Maryland to clarify the organization’s role in catalyzing growth in existing and emerging industries. The focus will be on retaining and attracting employers while promoting the attractiveness of our business community.
Tompkins will continue to lead MCEDC while a successor is identified, overseeing the implementation of the FY25 work plan, budget process, and other active initiatives.
“I am immensely proud of what we’ve achieved together, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our board members, staff, partners, and the community for their support and collaboration throughout my time here,” said Tompkins. “As I prepare for this change, I remain dedicated to ensuring a seamless handover and continued success for the organization.”
For additional information or media inquiries, please contact Elana Fine at
Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) is the official public-private economic development organization representing Montgomery County, Maryland, and is funded by the Montgomery County Government. Created in 2015, MCEDC is led by a Board of Directors of business executives. Its mission is to accelerate business development, attraction, retention and expansion in key industry sectors while advancing equitable and inclusive economic growth.
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